Sean Longstaff LEAVING Newcastle United prank FOOLED EVERYONE including Thogden…

Sean Longstaff leaving Newcastle United to go on holiday with Matty Longstaff actually fooled everyone #nufc #newcastle #thogden

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9 comentarios en “Sean Longstaff LEAVING Newcastle United prank FOOLED EVERYONE including Thogden…

  1. OnceIWasYou

    I loved the story of Meow-ing Zouma. I hope more people do it for real.
    Thogden (and his Tory boy dad) is one of the most irritating peripheral figures in football now. Whether it's trying to take memorabilia off children or just talking shite, he's just a knob.

  2. Ian Rosenvinge

    Watching Sky Sports News “Sure Non Stop Protection” could almost be imagined to be “Sean Longstaff Protection” – give it a listen with that thought!! Regardless what a player we have👍

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