Football fans protest ‘sportswashing’ Saudi Arabia friendlies at Newcastle United

The Great North Run this weekend will draw 60 thousand runners to the streets of Tyneside and a TV audience of millions. But there’s another international sporting fixture in Newcastle tonight that’s proving much more controversial.


Saudi Arabia is playing Costa Rica in the first of two international football friendlies at St James’s Park, the home of Newcastle United. And the choice of venue has angered some of the team’s fans.
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29 comentarios en “Football fans protest ‘sportswashing’ Saudi Arabia friendlies at Newcastle United

  1. James Smith

    Our daughters, and all of our children and their descendants need to be able to grow up in a country which is safe, homogeneous, and high-trust. A country in which we, the peoples of Britain, dictate our own affairs and our own destiny, rather than traitors and parasites who serve megalomaniacal foreign psychopaths who despise us. And above all, a country which simply feels like home. A country which is genuinely ours, as it ought to be.

  2. April

    As a Saudi woman saying that ‏They do not care about women’s rights or human rights. They only have their personal interests
    ‏if she was right that her sister was imprisoned because of her defense of women’s rights ‏all Saudi women would be in prison!🙂
    But by her own admission, her sister was working as a spy for the embassies of countries that’s why she was imprisoned for 3 years, and I think it is too short. If she had been in another country, she would have stayed forever because it is an international security issue

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