Champion League Highlights Match Day 4
Compra online la Camisetas de fútbol! En JD encontrarás las del FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, la selección de España y equipos internacionales.
Champion League Highlights Match Day 4
Compra online la Camisetas de fútbol! En JD encontrarás las del FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, la selección de España y equipos internacionales.
Quick question: The shot by Adayemi @0.30 seconds, is that not a foul from Guimarães?
So true. "Nights we never forget".
Brandt using Ope Ope no Mi devil fruit
Great assist from sabitza
Че Ньюкасл нет судейство с англий, не помогли как с Арсеналом. поставили вас на место в Германии.
Grup neraka
Newcastle thinks they are a big team 🤣
Dortmund win💪 ! Sorry to say No referee no VAR for newcastle 😂😂😂
Not so easy when there aren't VAR officials in a room somewhere laughing as they hand you victory, is it Newcastle.
Coach Justin tertawa melihat Newcastle kalah😀😀😀😀
Newcastle dog. 😊
Indeed, in the end AC Milan also won
Sultan was very angry
Julian D Brandt,, Roooooommmmmm Tact
The Law Celebration 🔥🔥
Dortmund is so unpredictable. The sAme as newcastle.
Pemain paporit gw itu brandt
Satisfactory to see these so called "superstars" beaten. Well done BD
Newcastle are bad